2005-05-15 9:39 PM
2005-05-13 7:26 AM
I've bootloaded some code to reprogram the ST10 Flash, but when the code attempts to access the Flash registers an exception occurrs. I've enabled XFLASh in XPERCON and XBUS in SYSCON and have declared a flash register as *( unsigned int huge *)(0x000E0000).
What else am I missing?2005-05-15 9:08 PM
Check also that ROMEN bit in SYSCON register is set.
[ This message was edited by: Najoua on 20-12-2006 16:29 ]2005-05-15 9:39 PM
For example;
_huge unsigned int* FCR0H_reg; FCR0H_reg = (_huge unsigned int*)(0x000E0002); *FCR0H_reg=0x2000; //word program Are you doing in this way? If so and you have enabled XFLASH, XBUS and ROMEN=1, it should be working. Remember that if you want to write B0F0, B0F1, B0F2, B0F3 in bootstrap mode you have to address them through 0x01xxxx addresses.