2005-12-07 9:35 PM
2005-12-05 2:32 AM
I try inline fucntion with Cosmic, but get problem. if i define function and use it in the same file --everything is going well, e.g. @inline void InLineFunc(void) { Nop; } main () { InLineFunc(); } But if i place call and definition of the inline fuction in different files i am getting error messages. I took into account ''C Cross Compiler User’s Guide'' page 61, but without success. How should I define this function in .h file or any other suggestions? Tnx in advance.2005-12-05 6:51 PM
Hello Luter.
An inline function is like a pre-processor macro: each call to an inline function is replaced by the function body. This increases code speed (and code size too). You can not have a pointer to an inline function and therefore you can not call it from outside of the source file where it is defined. Bye EtaPhi2005-12-07 9:35 PM