2005-12-08 1:27 AM
Simulated Interrupts in IAR Embedded Workbench
2005-12-08 1:27 AM
I am trying to debug/develop some code in the IAR embedded workbench software simulator while I wait for hardware. I would like to generate interrupts on IRQ5, Wakup Line 8. This is an XTI intterupt. However, I cannot figure out the syntax for the Interrupt Setup. I choose ''IRQ'' for the interrupt type and the description field is updated to read ''1 0x18 CPSR.I''. Changing this to any other string returns the useless error: Syntax error in interrupt description: IRQ 5 0x18 CPSR.I The documentation states that the format should be: Vector_Address Priority Enable_Bit Unfortunately, I am a bit confused about the CPSR.I part. How does it map to an Enable Bit? The CPSR seems intuitive, but what about the .I? Also, the error message does not tell me which of the 3 pieces is incorrect. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! ~Dan