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LSM6DSO32 step count data



I designed a special board that includes the LSM6DSO32 sensor. I want to get step count data, for testing I am using ESP32-CAM with LSM6DSO32 via I2C. I have followed the basic routine mentioned in application notes. I can get only garbage value. I will attached sample code for reference. Can you check and help me step by step what to do? First code give step count 0 always. For second code I attached screenshot. Please look into it and tell if anything need to change.



#include <Wire.h>
// LSM6DSO32 I2C address
#define LSM6DSO32_ADDR 0x6B
// Register addresses
#define FUNC_CFG_ACCESS  0x01
#define PAGE_RW          0x17   //0x02   
#define PAGE_SEL         0x02   //0x03
#define PAGE_ADDR        0x08   //0x04
#define PAGE_VALUE       0x09   //0x05
#define EMB_FUNC_EN_A    0x04
#define EMB_FUNC_EN_B    0x05
#define EMB_FUNC_INT1    0x0A
#define MD1_CFG          0x5E
#define CTRL1_XL         0x10
#define WHO_AM_I         0x0F
#define STEP_COUNTER_L   0x62
#define STEP_COUNTER_H   0x63
#define EMB_FUNC_SRC     0x64
#define PEDO_CMD_REG     0x83
void setup() {
    Wire.begin(13, 14); // SDA = GPIO13, SCL = GPIO14
    // Test communication with WHO_AM_I register
    byte whoAmI = readRegister(WHO_AM_I);
    Serial.print("WHO_AM_I: 0x");
    Serial.println(whoAmI, HEX);
    /*if (whoAmI != 0x6C) {
        Serial.println("Sensor not found!");
        while (1);  // Stop execution if sensor is not found
    if (whoAmI != 0x6C) {
        Serial.println("Sensor is found!");
        while (1);  // Stop execution if sensor is not found
    // Initialize the sensor
    // Reset the step counter using 0x04
void loop() {
    // Check step detection status (read raw status register)
    byte stepStatus = readRegister(EMB_FUNC_SRC);
    Serial.print("Step Detection Status: 0x");
    Serial.println(stepStatus, HEX);
    if (stepStatus & (1 << 7)) {  // Step detected bit is set
        Serial.println("Step Detected!");
    // Read the step count (raw step counter values)
    uint16_t stepCount = readStepCounter();
    Serial.print("Step Count: ");
    // Read and print the raw step counter registers
    byte stepLow = readRegister(STEP_COUNTER_L);
    byte stepHigh = readRegister(STEP_COUNTER_H);
    Serial.print("Raw STEP_COUNTER_L: 0x");
    Serial.print(stepLow, HEX);
    Serial.print(", STEP_COUNTER_H: 0x");
    Serial.println(stepHigh, HEX);
    delay(1000);  // Delay for 1 second before next read
void initSensor() {
    Serial.println("Initializing Sensor...");
    // Step 1: Enable access to embedded functions registers
    writeRegister(FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, 0x80);
    // Step 2: Select write operation mode
    writeRegister(PAGE_RW, 0x40);
    // Step 3: Select page 1
    writeRegister(PAGE_SEL, 0x11);
    // Step 4: Set the embedded advanced features register (PEDO_CMD_REG)
    writeRegister(PAGE_ADDR, 0x83);
    // Step 5: Enable false positive rejection block
    writeRegister(PAGE_VALUE, 0x04);
    // Step 6: Disable write operation mode
    writeRegister(PAGE_RW, 0x00);
    // Step 7: Enable pedometer
    writeRegister(EMB_FUNC_EN_A, 0x08);
    // Step 8: Enable pedometer false-positive rejection block and advanced detection feature
    writeRegister(EMB_FUNC_EN_B, 0x10);
    // Step 9: Route step detection interrupt to INT1 pin (temporarily disable this for now)
    // writeRegister(EMB_FUNC_INT1, 0x08);
    // Step 10: Disable access to embedded functions registers
    writeRegister(FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, 0x00);
    // Step 11: Enable routing of the embedded function interrupts
    writeRegister(MD1_CFG, 0x02);
    // Step 12: Enable accelerometer (26 Hz, ±8g)
    writeRegister(CTRL1_XL, 0x28);
    delay(2000);  // Increase the delay for initialization time
    Serial.println("Sensor Initialized!");
uint16_t readStepCounter() {
    byte stepCountLow = readRegister(STEP_COUNTER_L);  // Read low byte
    byte stepCountHigh = readRegister(STEP_COUNTER_H);  // Read high byte
    uint16_t stepCount = (stepCountHigh <<  | stepCountLow;  // Combine into 16-bit unsigned value
    return stepCount;
void resetStepCounter() {
    Serial.println("Resetting Step Counter...");
    writeRegister(PEDO_CMD_REG, 0x04);  // Reset the step counter (use 0x04 instead of 0x01)
    delay(500);  // Wait for reset to take effect
    // Verify the reset by reading step count
    uint16_t stepCount = readStepCounter();
    Serial.print("Step Counter After Reset: ");
byte readRegister(byte reg) {
    Wire.requestFrom(LSM6DSO32_ADDR, 1);
    return Wire.available() ? : 0;
void writeRegister(byte reg, byte value) {



I would appreciate if you some ways to get step count data, that would be great.

Thanks You



#include <Wire.h>
// LSM6DSO32 I2C address
#define LSM6DSO32_ADDR 0x6B  // Default 0x6B
// Register addresses
#define FUNC_CFG_ACCESS  0x01
#define PAGE_RW          0x17
#define PAGE_SEL         0x02
#define PAGE_ADDR        0x08
#define PAGE_VALUE       0x09
#define EMB_FUNC_EN_A    0x04
#define EMB_FUNC_EN_B    0x05
#define EMB_FUNC_INT1    0x0A
#define MD1_CFG          0x5E
#define CTRL1_XL         0x10
#define WHO_AM_I         0x0F
#define STEP_COUNTER_L   0x4B  // Corrected step counter low byte register
#define STEP_COUNTER_H   0x4C  // Corrected step counter high byte register
#define EMB_FUNC_SRC     0x1A  // Corrected step detection status register
#define PEDO_CMD_REG     0x5E  // Step counter reset register
void setup() {
    Wire.begin(13, 14); // SDA = GPIO13, SCL = GPIO14
    // Initialize the sensor
    // Verify WHO_AM_I register
    byte whoAmI = readRegister(WHO_AM_I);
    if (whoAmI == 0x6C) {  // WHO_AM_I fixed at 6Ch for LSM6DSO32
        Serial.println("Successfully connected to sensor!");
    } else {
        Serial.print("Failed to connect. WHO_AM_I: 0x");
        Serial.println(whoAmI, HEX);
        while (1);  // Stop execution if sensor is not detected
void loop() {
    // Read step detection status
    byte stepStatus = readRegister(EMB_FUNC_SRC);
    if (stepStatus & (1 << 7)) {  // Correct step detection bit (bit 7)
        Serial.println("Step Detected!");
    // Read step count
    int16_t stepCount = readStepCounter();
    Serial.print("Step Count: ");
    delay(1000);  // Read every second
void initSensor() {
    Serial.println("Initializing Sensor...");
    // Enable embedded function configuration
    writeRegister(FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, 0x80);
    // Select Page 1
    writeRegister(PAGE_RW, 0x40);
    writeRegister(PAGE_SEL, 0x11);
    // Enable advanced detection
    writeRegister(PAGE_ADDR, 0x83);
    writeRegister(PAGE_VALUE, 0x04);  // AD_DET_EN
    // Disable page write access
    writeRegister(PAGE_RW, 0x00);
    // Enable step counter & detection
    writeRegister(EMB_FUNC_EN_A, 0x08);  // Enable step counter
    writeRegister(EMB_FUNC_EN_B, 0x10);  // Enable step detection
    // Route step detection to INT1
    writeRegister(EMB_FUNC_INT1, 0x08);
    // Exit embedded functions access
    writeRegister(FUNC_CFG_ACCESS, 0x00);
    // Enable routing the embedded functions interrupt
    writeRegister(MD1_CFG, 0x02);
    // Enable accelerometer (26 Hz, ±8g)
    writeRegister(CTRL1_XL, 0x28);
    delay(1000);  // Allow pedometer time to initialize
    Serial.println("Sensor Initialized!");
int16_t readStepCounter() {
    byte stepCountLow = readRegister(STEP_COUNTER_L);  // Read low byte
    byte stepCountHigh = readRegister(STEP_COUNTER_H);  // Read high byte
    int16_t stepCount = (stepCountHigh <<  | stepCountLow;
    return stepCount;
void resetStepCounter() {
    Serial.println("Resetting Step Counter...");
    writeRegister(PEDO_CMD_REG, 0x01);  // Write reset command
    delay(100);  // Wait for reset to take effect
    // Verify reset
    int16_t stepCount = readStepCounter();
    Serial.print("Step Counter After Reset: ");
byte readRegister(byte reg) {
    Wire.requestFrom(LSM6DSO32_ADDR, 1);
    return Wire.available() ? : 0;
void writeRegister(byte reg, byte value) {



