2006-06-19 9:52 PM
EMI /External Memory configuration and control pins
2011-05-17 12:30 AM
I have two questions connecting some external devices to the EMI interface: 1) Do the control pins EMI_WRHn, EMI_BWR_WRLn, EMI_ALE and EMI_RDn provide internal pull ups ???? 2)I use multiplexed bus mode. Can I use one bank with 16 Bit data width and another bank with 8 Bit data width (set up with the two bit MW of the register EMI_BCRx) or must all banks use the same data width ? Thank you again, Wallie2011-05-17 12:30 AM
Hi Wallie,
I have the answer for your question2: Yes , it is possible to have different data width 8 and 16bit for the two banks, in fact you have configuration registers for each bank for selecting the bus width. For question1, I have forwarded your question and I let you know when I have the answer. Best Regards, STARM