2004-10-26 8:59 PM
2004-10-26 7:08 PM
2004-10-26 7:36 PM
I had also that problem, but it's solved.
See Indart forum site: http://www.softecmicro.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=8a31d48df485973a088a70dfa5435c55&forumid=3 Thread: Breakpoints (Problem was the *.map file)2004-10-26 8:14 PM
the address u gave me says to apply break points before debugging and i am doing the same thing but then also i get the same message . So can u give some more solution to these issue thanks ronnie2004-10-26 8:42 PM
Can you show you'r build file?
2004-10-26 8:59 PM
i have one more problem friend
i am burning the firmware on the device but the device decriptor of the device is shown zero and all the descriptor is also 0x0 .i am able to see the descriptor by using the software . can u tell me what is the problem i am also attaching the make file thanks PRODUCT = 7265 SIZE = 32K ENV = default.env CC = $(COMP) $(FLAGS) CONF = mcu_conf.h map_$(PRODUCT).h USBH = usb_reg.h usb_def.h usb_lib.h usb_eps.h user_usb.h #************************** OBJECT FILES DEFINES ****************************** USB_LIST = usb_lib.o usb_int.o usb_ep1.o usb_ep2.o usb_eps.o OBJ_LIST = main.o application.o map_$(PRODUCT).o descriptor.o user_usb.o jtag_state.o RDI.o #****************************************************************************** USB_FS_$(PRODUCT)_$(SIZE).abs : $(ENV) $(OBJ_LIST) usb.lib USB_FS_$(PRODUCT)_$(SIZE).prm $(LINK) USB_FS_$(PRODUCT)_$(SIZE).prm #*** BURNING *** $(BURN) -f Burner_$(PRODUCT)_$(SIZE).cmd #****************************************************************************** main.o: $(ENV) main.c usb_lib.h $(CONF) $(CC) main.c RDI.o: $(ENV) RDI.c RDI.h $(CC) RDI.c jtag_state.o: $(ENV) jtag_state.c $(CC) jtag_state.c application.o: $(ENV) application.c $(CONF) $(USBH) $(CC) application.c map_$(PRODUCT).o : $(ENV) map_$(PRODUCT).c $(CC) map_$(PRODUCT).c user_usb.o : $(ENV) user_usb.c $(USBH) $(CONF) descriptor.h $(CC) user_usb.c descriptor.o : $(ENV) descriptor.c descriptor.h usb_lib.h $(CC) descriptor.c #***** USB files ************************************************************** usb.lib: $(ENV) $(USB_LIST) usb_lib_$(PRODUCT).ln $(LIBM) usb_lib_$(PRODUCT).ln usb_lib.o : $(ENV) usb_lib.c $(CONF) $(USBH) $(CC) usb_lib.c int_usb.o : $(ENV) int_usb.c $(CONF) $(USBH) $(CC) int_usb.c usb_int.o: $(ENV) usb_int.c mcu_conf.h usb_libs.h $(USBH) $(CC) usb_int.c usb_ep1.o : $(ENV) $(CONF) $(USBH) usb_ep1.c $(CC) usb_ep1.c usb_ep2.o : $(ENV) $(CONF) $(USBH) usb_ep2.c $(CC) usb_ep2.c usb_eps.o: usb_eps.h usb_eps.c $(CC) usb_eps.c # EOF