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Semihosting - a lost cause?


I have a feeling i know the answer to this is "just give it up" but I figure before I do that, has anyone managed to get this Atollic thing working with semihosting and the J-Link?

I ran up against Atollic's libnosys.lib defining _lseek and some other useless functions that conflict with rdimon. There doesn't seem to be source for libnosys so I'm ready to throw in the towel but thought I'd ask. I suspect the answer is to fuggedaboutit but throwing caution to the wind I pose the question: How to get Atollic to actually work with semihosting as opposed to the theoretical App note presentation linked here

ST, please go back to subsidizing IAR and talk IAR into linux support. We're getting exactly what we paid for with this tiresome Atollic eclipsean monster. Half the time I have to restart the IDE because it loses its mind and can't stop execution.


Accepted Solutions

Well this may not be Atollic. I ditched trying to get it working and reverted to the old reliable Jlink RTT stuff. And it works great. On windows. Not on linux ubuntu. So bad Segger. They're usually pretty good about fixing things as opposed to you-know-who.

I'll post a followup when I get it working on linux

View solution in original post

Principal III

Don't have a J-Link but ST-LINK. Used to work for me with Atollic. Now, with STM32CubeIDE it works too with OpenOCD.

Yeah it used to work for me with IAR but I'm stuck with Atollic where it doesn't work because Atollic decided its nosys.spec file had to include system functions despite its name "nosys" :-(

I found another approach that I used in the past and it may get me past the problem which is to use the SWO headers and code from Segger. This is the link, hope it helps someone else out .

That'll work for one project and if I can ever figure out how to reflash ST-Linkv2 from my Nucleo to J-Link I'll be in great shape. I don't want to brick my Nucleo's coprocessor so I've been avoiding it...

Pardon me but Atollic *****.

Well this may not be Atollic. I ditched trying to get it working and reverted to the old reliable Jlink RTT stuff. And it works great. On windows. Not on linux ubuntu. So bad Segger. They're usually pretty good about fixing things as opposed to you-know-who.

I'll post a followup when I get it working on linux