2023-10-16 04:28 PM
What steps are required to set stwlc98 to TX mode?
If you set 0x0020 to 01, 0x000E becomes 03.
However, AC1 and AC2 do not cause burst oscillation.
The Optional (TX mode only) circuit is on the board, and VOUT is connected to 5V.
2023-11-14 02:21 AM
I have the same question, I connected VOUT to 12V in my project.
The receiver was verified with other solution.
Hoping someone can answer this.
2024-01-24 09:01 PM
This issue is still unresolved.Please tell me the solution.
2024-04-16 01:22 AM
Is there alreadya solution for this problem? Is there any application note or some other more detailed description for the TX mode?
My problem is the following:
I want to transmit 15W, but the STWBC86 can only transmit 5W. So I have to deal with the STWBC2-HP, but this one is too big for my application and has too much functionality I do not need.
Thank you
2024-04-22 11:39 PM
STWLC98 support TX mode, please check this link at page 44 5.15 Transmitter (Tx) mode
2024-04-22 11:45 PM
Thank you, but do you have more Information how I can set up the software correctly, to get the TX mode working?