2021-02-08 07:33 AM
Hi there, I am new to the embedded system and now am using M24M01. When I am trying page write with I2C protocol on the EEPROM, I found a weird problem with my oscilloscope. I sent out the command, the waveform is like fig.1, it forms of slave address + register address + data + UNKNOWN(not sure what it is?). In the M24M01 datasheet, I found there is a description that said "A Stop condition at the end of a Write instruction triggers the internal Write cycle." and the maximum of the internal write cycle is about 5ms. So, I added a delay time(5ms) and this UNKNOWN waveform has gone like fig.2! Is this a coincidence? If yes, why should I add this 5ms? It would be very appreciated if you could help me. Sorry for asking this stupid question : (
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-02-08 08:21 AM
UNKNOWN is the polling mechanism to track the ACK/NoAck of the eeprom.
See datasheet section 5.1.6
Team EEPROM suPPort
2021-02-08 08:21 AM