2018-06-19 5:12 AM
We have interfaced VL53L1 to STM32L0 EVM board(B-L072Z-LRWAN1).We tested the sensor with a white surface and water in opaque object.The accuracy with white surface are good if the object is below 200cm.If above 200cm we are getting approximately 4cm error.For water we are getting proper readings for some range. Do we have to do calibration every time we reset the sensor? Is there any method to improve the accuracy?
#accuracy #b-l072z-lrwan1 #vl53l1 #i2c2018-06-19 4:47 PM
did you see the ADC appnote ? AN2834
2018-06-19 11:47 PM
VL53L1 is connected via the I2C interface.2018-06-20 4:52 AM
my bad
I see your issue.. You need stable glass to sensor interface.
2.3 Customer manufacturing calibration flow
The VL53L1X driver includes calibration functions. To benefit from device full performances, it is recommended they be run once at the customer production line.Device calibration allows part-to-part parameter variations and cover glass presence that may affect device performances to be compensated.Calibration data stored in the host have to be loaded into the VL53L1X at each startup using a dedicated driver function.Three calibration steps are needed: RefSPAD, offset and crosstalk.RefSPAD and crosstalk calibrations have to be performed whenever the customer adds a protective cover glass on top of the VL53L1X module.Offset calibration has to be performed in all situations. It allows reflow and cover glass effects to be compensated.The detailed procedure is provided in the VL53L1X API user manual (UM2356).