2021-02-10 6:22 AM
Please Provide the detailed procedure as I am a beginner to STM32 and do provide the source code and pinout
2021-02-10 8:13 AM
which IMU sensor are you using (I mean, the precise part number)?
Since the NUCLEO-F446RE board is quite a standard, there might be something already available.
For example, in the FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1 function pack you could find some example on how to configure IMUs (such as the LSM6DSO) on different daughter boards, such as the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 or the SensorTile.box. You can check the\Projects\STM32F446RE-Nucleo folder.
2021-02-10 8:23 AM
Thanks for replying I am using a GY-87 IMU sensor.Can you guide me more
2021-02-10 8:56 AM
ok, GY-87 IMU sensor is not an ST sensor, so I'm not an expert of it, but you could try with the existing code, checking the power and SPI pins of the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 and connect them to your module.
I add STM32F4 topic for more help on MCU side.
2021-02-10 9:03 AM
Thank you so much for helping but will I get a quick response As I want to complete this task asap. Since This is my homework in college