2022-01-05 07:17 AM
I am seeing some strange happenings using X-CUBE-MEMS software pack, which generates some code for user buttons, LED outputs, etc.
I noticed the user button was always returning GPIO_PIN_SET even when it should be returning GPIO_PIN_RESET
I make a call like so:
PushButtonState = BSP_PB_GetState(BUTTON_KEY);
Which calls this function: (I've added some serial debug output)
int32_t BSP_PB_GetState(Button_TypeDef Button)
GPIO_PinState bitstatus;
bitstatus = (int32_t)(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BUTTON_PORT[Button], BUTTON_PIN[Button]) == GPIO_PIN_RESET);
serprintf("After call: %i\n", bitstatus);
return bitstatus;
Which calls this function (again with debug output added)
GPIO_PinState HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
GPIO_PinState bitstatus;
/* Check the parameters */
if ((GPIOx->IDR & GPIO_Pin) != 0x00u)
bitstatus = GPIO_PIN_SET;
bitstatus = GPIO_PIN_RESET;
serprintf("Bitstatus: %i\n", bitstatus);
return bitstatus;
HAL_GPIO_ReadPin is returning GPIO_PIN_RESET as expected, but the calling function doesn't seem to know that. My serial output looks like this:
Bitstatus: 0
After call: 1
What is happening here?
2022-01-05 08:17 AM
> bitstatus = (int32_t)(HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BUTTON_PORT[Button], BUTTON_PIN[Button]) == GPIO_PIN_RESET);
If HAL_GPIO_ReadPin returns GPIO_PIN_RESET (0), then this comparison evaluates true which returns 1.
In other words, the return value from BSP_PB_GetState is opposite of the return value from HAL_GPIO_ReadPin.
A search on GitHub shows your implementation is the opposite of what is there, at least on this instance:
2022-01-05 08:18 AM
Ah! I totally missed the comparison. Thanks for pointing that out.