2021-04-08 9:14 PM
Sir i'm trying to communicate LPS25HB sensor with STM32F072RB board but the sensor is not acknowledging and to make sure i have connected RTC DS3231 it is working properly. I have checked clock speed with 100khz and 400khz also, pull-up i have connected , GPIO also i have tested, Voltages is also i have tested Lps25hb sensor is needed more than 2.10 v(tested) ?
2021-04-09 2:23 AM
Hi @VDutt.1
but are you receiving a NACK (in the I2C case) or you are able to read -for example- the WHO_AM_I (0Fh) register?
In the first case, can you send the SDA/SCL scope pictures, or did you tried also with the SPI interface?
In the second case, did you correctly configured the sensor? I suggest you to check the C drivers on Github for a reference --> lps25hb_read_data_polling.c.
2021-04-09 2:50 AM
Make sure you have the address correct and the device is in the right mode.
The address is the high order 7-bits, the STM32 expects this to be left aligned, check it is shifted and communicated properly so it NACKs.