2019-07-09 12:06 PM
Purchased a SensorTile Kit (STLKT01V1) which stopped working after a day.
Removed the contents from the package, placed the sensortile on the large cradle, powered it using USB power supply from my laptop and it worked. The Orange LED flashed, I was able to connect to the ST BLE Sensor android App and read temperature data.
Soldered the sensortile to the small cradle, powered it on using the battery provided with the kit and it worked. The orange LED on the sensortile flashed, and I was able to read temperature data throught the android App.
After a day of testing and reading data (Covering it in a small plastic bag and placing in different room temperatures and recording temp data) the Sensortile stopped working. Turning the switch on on the cradle, there was no flashing Orange LED.
Checked if the battery using a multimeter, which showed that it was fully charged at 4.1V
As of now, connecting the Cradle to my laptop using a microUSB, the red LED on the cradle flashes when the switch is turned off and the red LED is solid with the switch is turned on. Connecting only the battery, the sensortile does not turn on.
Kindly suggest any troubleshooting method to revive the sensortile.
Thank You.
2019-07-15 7:27 AM
Hi @TRobi , your issue seems related to the battery, although you are correctly reading a proper voltage. I suggest you to keep the USB cable connected to the SensorTile powered by the battery for some time and then check if the battery has recharged. Does the SensorTile work if powered by the only USB cable? Regards
2019-07-15 8:16 AM
Hello Eleon, Yes, I have tried to power the SensorTile by connecting it to the battery and charging it with the USB at the same time also swapping batteries. The device doesn't work.
2019-08-01 2:23 AM
hi @TRobidid you tried something else (e.g. re-download the FW on the sensortile), or an external power supply? Regards