2017-10-16 5:15 AM
I am trying to log accelerations above 2g. To do so I parametrized the LIS3DH as following:
- CTRL_REG0: 0x10
- CTRL_REG1: 0x57 (100Hz + Xen + Yen + Zen)- CTRL_REG2: 0x00
- CTRL_REG3: 0x40 (IA1 on INT1)
- CTRL_REG4: 0xB0 (BDU + FS +/- 16g)
- CTRL_REG5: 0x08 (INT1 Latched)- CTRL_REG6: 0x00
- INT1_THS: 0x0A (+/- 16g => 186 mg/LSb, 2000/186 = 0x0A)
- INT1_DURATION: 0x00 (trigger INT1 as soon as the acceleration goes above threshold)
- INT1_CFG: 0x2A (OR combination + Z high event + Y high event + X high event)
Everything works fine, I get interrupts signals, read the acceleration available inside the corresponding buffers, clear the interrup. Whereas, I do not understand some results that I get.
First issue, I do not understand how the sensitivity for the +/-16g is obtained. For the other full scale modes there is a logic ( Normal mode: 8g / (2^9) = 15,625 ~ 16 mg/LSb) but I can not find the logic for 16g.
Assuming that the sensitivity given in the datasheet is correct, then the maximum value returned by the sensor must be 16000/48=333. Or the sensor can go above this limit but then the measured value is not anymore linear with respect to sensitivity? Because the sensor returned few tims values of -24480 mg.
Second issue is that I get interrupts from signals which are above my threshold. For example, I get interrupts for Z = -1776 mg even if the threshold I set is 1860 mg.I believe I am correctly transforming data from the sensor but I'll describe what I do, just to be sur:
INT16 LIS3DH_DataConverter(BYTE LSB_Data, BYTE MSB_Data, INT16 Sensitivity)
{ // This function convert 2's complement 10 bits data left-justified (splited into two 8 bits variables) // into a single signed variable (type INT16) of 16 bits right-justified UINT16 u16Value; INT16 ConvValue; u16Value = LSB_Data + (MSB_Data << 8); RETAILMSG( ACC_TRACE, (_T('u16Value = LSB_Data + (MSB_Data << 8): %4.4Xh\r\n'), u16Value)); u16Value >>= 6; //only 10 high bits are relevant (WARNING! VALID ONLY IF DEVICE IN NORMAL MODE) RETAILMSG( ACC_TRACE, (_T('u16Value >>= 6: %4.4Xh\r\n'), u16Value)); //This value is define has followed // if Bit10 is 1 then a(mg) = -(2's complement of AccData)*resolution // if Bit10 is 0 then a(mg) = AccData*resolution if (u16Value & 0x0200) { u16Value = ~u16Value; //1's complement RETAILMSG(ACC_TRACE, (_T('u16Value inverted: %d\r\n'), u16Value)); u16Value &= 0x03FF; // only 10bits are relevant // (OR 0x 3FF) because bit 10 is 0 because it is the inversion of a negative number. RETAILMSG(ACC_TRACE, (_T('u16Value troncated: %d\r\n'), u16Value)); u16Value++; //2's complement RETAILMSG(ACC_TRACE, (_T('u16Value + 1: %d\r\n'), u16Value)); ConvValue = -(u16Value * Sensitivity); // TODO: multiply u16Value by resolution u16Value = (UINT16)(-ConvValue); //for display only RETAILMSG( ACC_TRACE, (_T('Negative a=-%d mg (%2.2X%2.2Xh)!\r\n'), u16Value, LSB_Data, MSB_Data)); } else { ConvValue = u16Value * Sensitivity; // u16Value = (UINT16)ConvValue; //for display only RETAILMSG( ACC_TRACE, (_T('Positive a=%d mg (%2.2X%2.2Xh)!\r\n'), u16Value, LSB_Data, MSB_Data)); }return ConvValue;
}Thanks for your help.
Sincerely,Maxime TORRELLI#lis3dhSolved! Go to Solution.
2017-10-17 2:17 AM
The sensitivity in the datasheet is correct.
You are right, the sensor can go above 16g but it is no more linear with respect to sensitivity.
Concerning the interrupt, I think you missed the sample which triggered the interrupt and you read sample one or more 1/ODR periods late.
2017-10-17 2:17 AM
The sensitivity in the datasheet is correct.
You are right, the sensor can go above 16g but it is no more linear with respect to sensitivity.
Concerning the interrupt, I think you missed the sample which triggered the interrupt and you read sample one or more 1/ODR periods late.
2017-10-17 4:26 AM
Hello Miroslav,
Thanks for you answer. You confirmed my thoughts. It will stay like this for the moment and if needed I will use the Stream to FIFO mode to solve this issue of measured values under the threshold.
Do you have any graph to share in order to know the sensitivity of the sensor above 16g?Sincerely,
2017-10-18 2:49 AM
Unfortunately not, I don't have any graph concerning the sensitivity above 16g, the behavior can be different for each device.
Please be aware ST doesn't guarantee any performance above 16g.
2017-10-18 6:34 AM
Too bad.
Okay, thanks for your help.
Maxime TORRELLI2018-04-02 9:47 PM
Hello Miroslav,
I would like to ask how can I accurately obtain the acceleration samples of the three axes that triggered the interruption. Is there any solution?
2018-04-08 5:36 AM
Just dropped by. Check here
you may get some idea