2018-03-30 9:51 AM
I have the LIS3DH accelerometer set for no FIFO, X,Y & Z output, Hi Res. I have BDU turned on.
I am reading the high byte of each axis and getting the expected data which changes with accelerometer position. In all cases, the data represented by the four bits in the high side of the low register seem completely random and change to any value between 0 to 15 on every read.
I have tried different data rate speeds, but that had no effect. I also tried 10 bit resolution and that gave similar results.
I can't find anything that could be causing this effect in the config registers. I don't know what else I could possibly try to get stable data.
I am grateful for any suggestions offered. Thank you.
2018-04-02 9:06 AM
Before posting I searched all the LIS3DH posts but found nothing helpful. Is there any other place I might look for the answer? Thank you.
2018-04-04 10:15 AM
Firts of all try to calculate the acceleration in g unit from the high and low byte.
Then you can share these values and we can analyze if if the normal noise of some vibration caused by environment or if there is a problem with the sensor.
Also please try to use data ready interrupt to read data instead of polling if new data are available, this approach can reduce a noise.