2021-09-22 11:46 PM
I used the step counter of LIS2DH12 and MMA8542 to make a comparison. I found that LIS2DH12 is a bit slow. For example, we use a step machine to test the bracelet of MMA8542 in 8 hours. The test has more than 60,000 steps, while the number of steps tested by LIS2DH12 Only more than 48,000. During the test, we also found that the response is a bit slow. Our step counting algorithm is the same. May I change the parameters in that respect to make the response faster.
2021-09-22 11:51 PM
This is our code to read the data:
int MMA845X_Run(void)
return 0;
uint16_t vector_filter;
uint8_t statusReg, timeout;
short accel_3d[3];
statusReg = MMA845x_ReadReg(MMA845X_STATUS);
while(((statusReg & 0x08) != 0x08) && (timeout-- > 0x02));
if(0 != onMMA845xReadAccel(accel_3d))
return -1;
uint16_t vector_temp=(uint16_t)sqrt(accel_3d[0]*accel_3d[0]+accel_3d[1]*accel_3d[1]+accel_3d[2]*accel_3d[2]);
vector_filter = filter(vector_temp);
return 0;
2021-09-28 02:20 AM
Hi @党军 �?� ,
do the 2 sensor have the same configuration?
odr, full scale, filters and so on, if you want the same response you should configure them the same way
2021-10-18 06:54 AM
Hi @党军 �?� ,
do you have any updates about this issue?