2020-02-21 7:38 AM
Hi, do you have data and information about infrasound characteristics of MP34DT06J ?
I looked at its frequency response in the data sheet, but information is being plotted starting from 100 Hz only.
I'm using the CCA02M2 board.
Many thanks!
2020-02-25 3:20 AM
Hi @MSant.1 , what do you mean with "infrasound" characteristics? The usual characterizations is performed in the [20Hz, 20kHz] band, so I can share you a typical frequency response in this range from characterization lab. The FR is almost +-2dB flat down to 30Hz.
Btw which is your target application?
2020-02-25 5:43 AM
Hi, sound from combustion processes may be in infrasound range, i. e. below 20 Hz. This is my target application.
2020-02-25 6:43 AM
Hi @MSant.1 , ok, I can share you the average behavior down to 10Hz, because the standard detailed characterization is limited to 20Hz.