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finding locati


I am currently working on a project involving the SensorTile.Box and am seeking assistance with utilizing its gyroscope and accelerometer sensors to determine location in the absence of GPS signals. Specifically, I am interested in processing the sensor data on a PC, similar to how data is managed in the ST BLE Sensor App on mobile devices.

Could you please provide guidance on the following:

Data Monitoring: How can I monitor sensor data from SensorTile.Box on a PC? Are there any recommended software tools or libraries for this purpose?
Integration: How can I integrate and process gyroscope and accelerometer data to determine location? Any advice on using Kalman filters or other methods for this purpose would be greatly appreciated.
Resources: Are there any additional resources or documentation you can recommend that could assist me in this endeavor?

I am a student currently working on this project and would greatly appreciate any support or direction you can provide.