2024-02-06 11:59 AM
I am looking for the shortest library for the vl53lox. I am using the b-l475e-iot01a1 board and i just need some measures on the vl53lox.I look on github but there are just a lot of files so I would like to know if a less heavy approach exist . Furthermore , I work on cube mx and cube ide.
2024-02-06 12:09 PM
This is going to sound strange, but if you want a small library, consider switching to the VL53L4CD.
The chips are pin-compatible. And have exactly the same shape.
The differences are that the L0 advertises a max distance of 2M, but has an effective distance of 1.3M when looking at people. The L4CD has a max distance of 1.3M, but the effective distance is also 1.3M.
The L0X is only linear above 4cm or so. The L4CD is linear down to 1mm.
The L0X has a field of view of 27 degrees, the L4CD FoV is 18 degrees.
But the L4CD has an UltraLite driver - which is only a few K.
The L4CD is our, latest, best, least expensive 940nm ToF single-zone ToF device.
the L4CD is also fully integrated into the STM32CubeMX.
Unfortunately, the VL53L0X is not.
I know this does NOT answer your question, but at least have a look at the VL53L4CD and see if it works for you. It would save you some development time.
- john
2024-02-06 2:56 PM
Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, it is a school project so I can only use this board . Do you know any tutorial for the installation of all those files and/or do you know a good library for this sensor ?
2024-02-06 3:30 PM
@bogel_pylo wrote:it is a school project
So is the size of the library actually causing you any problem(s) ?
If not - why worry?
2024-02-11 8:20 AM
Yes. It is the size but my biggest concern is the compatibility . For example, I found this library https://github.com/MarcelMG/VL53L0X-STM32F103 but is not for the b-l475e-iot01a1 board.
2024-02-12 2:42 AM
@bogel_pylo wrote:Yes. It is the size .
But why is that a concern - again, is the size of the library actually causing you any problem(s) ?
@bogel_pylo wrote:my biggest concern is the compatibility .
Not sure how a smaller library is going to be any more "compatible"?
More likely the opposite: a smaller library may be more tightly coupled to specific hardware - because it doesn't have the extra code to make it generic...
2024-05-07 7:53 AM
ST is not providing more than what could be found on st.com
Hope you could continue with your school project without too many issues