2019-08-20 4:45 AM
I Unzipped the supplied demo software package and opened the tilebox project in Keil Microvision. After it autoinstalled all the support packages required I attempted to compile the code as per the readme.txt instruction. It failed due to not being able to fine the arm_math.h file which is clearly included in the folder structure. Any ideas why? In the readme it claims to have successfully compiled with Microvision 5.22 with no problems.
2019-11-19 8:40 AM
Hi @jim239955_st , sorry for the late answer... are you still facing this issue? Did you try with a more recent uvision IDE version (e.g. 5.29)? Regards
2019-11-20 1:15 AM
Hi Eleon, Thank you but i have solved this problem. I had saved the sample code in a folder on C drive and it was looking in the same named folder on D drive. Regards