2019-10-01 11:54 AM
I am attempting to evaluate the LSM6DSOX IMU using the combination of MKI109V3, MKI971V1, and Unico.
This is the same combination shown in several of ST's YouTube videos
All of the products are new and have not previously been installed or used.
I have installed the virtual com port drivers and the virtual comport is detected correctly. However, when I hold down button3 and reset in order to enter DFU mode as described in the user guide, My device does not show up under "USB Controller-> STM device In DFU Mode" as described. Instead, my eval board is showing up under "Universal Serial Bus Devices -> STM32 BOOTLOADER"
This device is not detected by DFuse, so I cannot modfiy the firmware on the board
If I attempt to use the device directly in Unico, upon selecting the sensor evaluation, I receive and unsupported error
Any idea what could be wrong or missing?
2019-10-02 5:54 AM
Hello @ARenn.12 ,
I suppose you already have installed STM32CubeProgrammer in your PC. If yes you will have to temporarily uninstall it and install the DFuSe utility to upgrade firmware In the MKI109V3 board. These two applications use different drivers for STM32 MCU DFU mode. You can find details in UM2237 chapter 1.2.4.
In the next version of Unico should be also binary file to upgrade the firmware using STM32CubeProgrammer.
2019-10-02 8:14 AM
I did have STM32CubeProgrammer installed. Unfortunately, uninstalling did not remove the drivers that were causing the issue. What I found did work is that you can leave other programmers installed, and then in device manager, right click on the STM32 Bootloader device and select "update driver"-> "browse my computer..."->"let me pick from a list..."
And here you should see the list of drivers available, and if the DFU drivers are available, then choose those.