2021-10-07 8:14 PM
2021-10-08 2:10 AM
Same I even get "WrMulti failed to send 32768 bytes to regsiter 0x00" (32768 is 0x8000 why would you send 32kibyte?) when I use get_set_params sketch.
I get "Beginning transmission to 14; Writing 1 bytes to register 0x7FFF
Write Status: 2
" twice and then "VL53L5CX not detected at requested address" if I use ranging_basic sketch. Hope somebody can beak it down. Thanks in advance
Edit: I use the ESP32 and maybe that is the cause I'll be using an arduino to test it.
2021-10-08 2:32 AM
In my case, I didn't get any error except that if i dont disable the _vl53l5cx_poll_for_answer() function, the system freezes due to the do while loop inside the function, the device does not respond. I guess it has something to do with my WrMulti function.
2021-11-03 6:11 PM
Any update on this?
Did the Arduino work?