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Most of the target status seem to return 5 but some do return 255.The data is correct on all 64pixels when I have a near object (200mm) but it cannot detect further objects like the ceiling and instead it will return a seemingly random small distance...
With the following code the VL53L5CX should get it's firmware uploaded. "   /* Download FW into VL53L5 */   status |= WrByte(&(p_dev->platform), 0x7fff, 0x09);   status |= WrMulti(&(p_dev->platform),0,           (uint8_t*)&VL53L5CX_FIRMWARE[0],0x8000...
I have the VL53L5CX-SATEL breakoutbord. The Sensor is working in the VL53L5CX evaluation gui with the X-NUCLEO-53L5A1 evaluation board.I'm working in the Arduino IDE. The I2C of the VL53L5CX does not work as easy as normal I2C does. The sensor is wor...