2024-11-28 5:54 AM
Dear everyone,
I'm trying to use a SX1280 for RF connectivity.
My dev board is the official... the SEMTECH "SX1280ED1ZHP", it's included a nucleo + daughter board with SX1280.
My diffculty is that a not able to read correctly a register with a know value after reset.
Second thing, a see Something wrong at scope.
So i'm here because a would like help.
#IOC Spi configuration
#define SX1280_SPI &hspi1
#define SX1280_NSS_PIN GPIO_PIN_8 // Replace with your NSS pin
#define SX1280_NSS_PORT GPIOA // Replace with your NSS GPIO port
#Read Function
uint8_t SX1280_ReadRegister(uint16_t regAddr) {
uint8_t command = 0x03; // Read register command
uint8_t addrHigh = (regAddr >> 8) & 0xFF; // High byte of the register address
uint8_t addrLow = regAddr & 0xFF; // Low byte of the register address
uint8_t dummy = 0x00; // Dummy byte for clocking out the data
uint8_t regValue = 0x00; // Variable to store the register value
HAL_SPI_Transmit(SX1280_SPI, &command, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
HAL_SPI_Transmit(SX1280_SPI, &addrHigh, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
HAL_SPI_Transmit(SX1280_SPI, &addrLow, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive(SX1280_SPI, &dummy, ®Value, 1, HAL_MAX_DELAY);
return regValue;
#Function Call
uint8_t manualGainValue = SX1280_ReadRegister(MANUAL_GAIN_REGISTER);
My aim is to read the MANUAL_GAIN_REGISTER, at addr = 0x0895.
From the datasheet, the reset value must be 0x01.
The value received is 0x00.
Channel 1 : CS / Channel 2 : SCK
Channel 1 : MOSI / Channel 2 : SCK
Channel 1 : MISO / Channel 2 : SCK
if someone have an idea... thanks !
2024-11-28 6:12 AM
@JL_Loyd wrote:My dev board is the official... the SEMTECH "SX1280ED1ZHP", it's included a nucleo + daughter board !
Does that not come with some demo or example software?