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Dear community,i'm trying to use tinysub for WebUSB application.My device is already see as a HID device....In copy, my USB_descriptor.c  #include "tusb.h" #include "usb_descriptors.h" #include <string.h> // Identifiants USB #define USB_VID ...
Dear community,I'm trying to use the tinyUSB librarie for a WEBusb API on my STM32F411.I' have spend many hours without result...One side, the TinyUSB seem be serious, on other hand no example on my question, is do you have already use the tin...
Dear everyone,I'm trying to use a SX1280 for RF connectivity.My dev board is the official... the SEMTECH "SX1280ED1ZHP", it's included a nucleo + daughter board with SX1280.My diffculty is that a not able to read correctly a register with a know valu...
Dear Community,We do an update on a old product and the goal is to replace the nRF52840 by the STM32WB55.The STM32WB datasheet is clear about BLE capacity but i would to know if we can use it without the Bluetotth stack, with my own protocol as we do...