2014-11-13 12:46 PM
Back in version 140128, the documentation for dynamic web pages for the output demo (sending messages to the micro over the serial port) used test.cgi to shoot values out the serial port.
Recently I updated to 140805 and test.cgi is gone, but output.cgi exists.But when I use output.cgi in the way that test.cgi was used in the past, it paints a demo page that then has to be filled out (again) before the new submit button sends the data to the serial port.So, what cgi scripts are under the hood and how do you use them?thanks.2014-11-13 1:34 PM
Here is an example. This is a rework of the boiler version of the output demo page. It should submit the user's text to the serial port, instead it brings up output_demo.html.
2014-11-14 3:17 PM
Update: from a bunch of surgical testing, I figured out that only a widget with a name of ''text'' will have its value sent out of the serial port. All of the others are ignored by output.cgi.
Is this true, or are there other widget names that trigger output.cgi to do something useful (what are the names and what do they do)?Also, after writing the text widget value to the serial port, output_demo.html is displayed instead of the page that was on the screen. Is there any way to override this behaviour so that I can go to the page of my choice rather than output_demo.html?