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SPBTLE_RF0 doesn't answer to hci commands

Roberto Giovinetti
Associate III

Hello everybody

I'm using a custom board in which there's a STM32F030 that communicate with SPBTLE_RF0 module. With X-CUBE I generate software using X-CUBE-BLE2.2.0.0.

I can reset the chip and read response (vendor specific event), but when I try to configure the chip using pre-compiled software, I've noticed that immediately, at the first HCI command, I can't have response from the module.

The first command after reset and after delay of 2000ms, is HCI_LE_RAND. I send the information on SPI but module doesn't take IRQ line high to tell uC that the response is ready.

I can't understand why module doesn't answer.

I use 1.8Mhz SPI communication, but I've tried 400KHz also.

In my application I can't use SPI directly, and I use a I2C/SPI bridge. I've changed original software to work with this bridge, and as I said previously, I can send hci_reset command and read response, and I see IRQ line go high in this case.

I've checked documentation on ST site, but I did not find that module, maybe, doesn't accept some kind of hci commands. After rest the initialisation process, procedure involves sending some configuration commands as below:

/* Sw reset of the device */
   *  To support both the BlueNRG-2 and the BlueNRG-2N a minimum delay of 2000ms is required at device boot
  /* Setup the device address */
  /* Set the TX power to -2 dBm */
  aci_hal_set_tx_power_level(1, 4);
  /* GATT Init */
  ret = aci_gatt_init();
    PRINT_DBG("GATT_Init failed: 0x%02x\r\n", ret);
    return ret;
  /* GAP Init */
  ret = aci_gap_init(GAP_CENTRAL_ROLE|GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE,0x0,0x07, &service_handle,
                     &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle);
    PRINT_DBG("GAP_Init failed: 0x%02x\r\n", ret);
    return ret;
  /* Add Device Service & Characteristics */
  ret = Add_Sample_Service();
    PRINT_DBG("Error while adding service: 0x%02x\r\n", ret);
    return ret;
  /* Reset the discovery context */

where Setup_DeviceAddress() is as below:

static void Setup_DeviceAddress(void)
  tBleStatus ret;
  uint8_t bdaddr[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE1, 0x80, 0x02};
  uint8_t random_number[8];
  /* get a random number from BlueNRG */
  ret = hci_le_rand(random_number);
    PRINT_DBG("hci_le_rand() call failed: 0x%02x\r\n", ret);
  discovery_time = 3000; /* at least 3 seconds */
  /* setup discovery time with random number */
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++)
    discovery_time += (2*random_number[i]);
  /* Setup last 3 bytes of public address with random number */
  bdaddr[0] = (uint8_t) (random_number[0]);
  bdaddr[1] = (uint8_t) (random_number[3]);
  bdaddr[2] = (uint8_t) (random_number[6]);
  ret = aci_hal_write_config_data(CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_OFFSET, CONFIG_DATA_PUBADDR_LEN, bdaddr);
      PRINT_DBG("Setting BD_ADDR failed 0x%02x\r\n", ret);
    PRINT_DBG("Public address: ");
    for (uint8_t i=5; i>0; i--)
      PRINT_DBG("%02X-", bdaddr[i]);
    PRINT_DBG("%02X\r\n", bdaddr[0]);

I've tried to bypass hci_le_rand, and to jump directly to aci_hal_write_config_data, but I've obtained the same behaviour, and the module doesn't answer.

I continuosly poll the device and it answer always with header.

Has anybody experienced a similar behaviour?

Thanks in advance.


Associate II

hi, @Roberto Giovinetti​  did you resolved the issue ? if yes then can you please help me out with bnrg2a1. here below is are the errors im attaching.0693W00000WLbbJQAT.png

Roberto Giovinetti
Associate III

Hi @satyam9896​ 

I can't help you: Unfortunately, this project was abandoned and I no longer pursued the development.

I am sorry I cannot be of any help.


ok thanks for your time.