2022-04-17 4:12 AM
2022-04-26 5:59 PM
Hi Sebastien,
Just confirmed on an Intel machine and it had the same issue. Below are the steps I used to try to open the file.
2022-04-27 9:55 AM
The signature of the application is invalide. Enter in Terminal:
xattr -cr /PATH_TO_FILE/WiSE-Studio.app
2022-04-30 7:14 AM
Having this same issue with the 'damaged and can't be opened' message on an Intel Mac running macOS Monterey V 12.2.1. I was stoked to see WiSE Studio Mac version released, hope that it can actually be used
2022-04-30 8:54 AM
Thanks for that, I hadn't seen your post my first time through here. After extending attributes and updating Java I'm able to launch the IDE!
2022-05-03 2:49 PM
I was able to use xattr to by pass "WiST-Studio.app" is damage, but still wasn't able to launch the IDE. I installed OpenJDK (version 17) but no luck. Then I installed jre-8u333 from java.com directly but still no luck.
@RArch How did you install/update your java?
2022-05-03 5:32 PM
I think you will need to install v18 of java. See the link below, you can download from the MacOS tab, there are versions there for ARM and Intel-based Mac's:
2022-05-03 6:13 PM
@RArch I downloaded and installed the java v18, but it was a no-go still. I even tried to run it from command line, but it kept showing CheckForInstalledJavaRuntimes error (see attached). I will attempt it on an intel mac to see if it makes any difference.
2022-05-03 6:16 PM
Sorry I couldn't be more help, good luck!
2022-05-03 6:49 PM
All good. Thanks for the help, @RArch .
@Sebastien DENOUAL Do you think anyone can take a look at this issue? Not sure if this information is useful, but STM32CubeIDE runs on my mac perfectly fine (with no java installed).
2022-05-04 12:20 AM
Hi @LeeS,
The problem is an attribute “com.apple.quarantine�? applied by latest version of Mac OS on files downloaded.
Currently, possible solutions are:
> This is the workaround mentioned by @SZuer.1 , the attribute is removed.
Now, I agree the clean solution is to have a signature from Apple Developer Authority. We will notify you once it will be available.