2020-11-27 4:34 AM
Hi everyone!
I have a custom PCB with a STM32L4 connected via SPI to a SPBTLE-1S. As indicated in the datasheet the SPBTLE-1S is built around the BlueNRG-1 SoC.
Until now I understood that I have to configure the SPBTLE-1S as a network co-processor in order to allow it's usage on a custom PCB.
In the DT0121 Design tip (How to configure the BlueNRG-1 and BlueNRG-2 devices in network coprocessor mode) document is written:
"The purpose of this design tip is to provide customers with guidelines on how to modify the reference DTM application for running on a custom printed circuit board (PCB).",
an than,
"In order to configure the BlueNRG-2 device as a network coprocessor, the device shall be programmed with a specific application, named DTM (Direct Test Mode). In the device SDK the source code for this application can be found in the path “\Project\BLE_Examples\DTM�?."
In the description of the SPI interface the following table can be found:
In the SPBTLE-1S datasheet the pins seem to be configured differently as shown in the following screenshot:On this basis the SPI connections between The STM32L4 (master) and the SPBTLE-1S(slave) are the following:
CS -> DIO1
The current situation is this: I flashed the DTM_SPI.hex for BlueNRG-1 SoC on the SPBTLE-1S module and I tried to generate some code with cubeM and X-CUBE-BLE-1 pack to try some basic communication via SPI between the MCU an the BLE module. All What I get is a always high signal or always low signal on the MISO. Everything was checked with a logic analyzer.
My questions are:
Thanks in advance for your help!
2020-11-27 6:56 AM
@Winfred LU excuse me to bother you, but looking at your posts it looks that you may know something about this. Can you help? Thanks in advance!
2020-11-29 8:27 PM
Besides those 4 SPI pins, GPIO pin 7 is also used, as an interrupt signal for the module to notify MCU.
Please note that SPBTLE-1S has 32MHz HS crystal, which is different from the one used in STEVAL-IDB007V1 (BlueNRG-1 EVB).
The prebuild firmware may not work for you.
Try to build the DTM firmware from STEVAL-IDB007V1M folder, for example,
2020-12-13 1:01 AM
I've been facing similar issue for some time.
We have a board made on similar lines of STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1. We used demo code for sensortile pro mode and modified it as per our needs.
On our custom board we flashed the controller STM32L4R9 Code and Since no hex for SPBTLE-1S is available I am trying to configure SPI pins DTM_SPI project from BlueNRG SDK V 3.2.1 But It doesnt work.
Specifically I had noticed in SensorTile MKSBOX Pro Mode Code BLESensors where in hci_tl_interface.c SPI Write HCI_TL_SPI_Send Function file that after resetting chip select pin, it waits for SPI IRQ pin from the SPBTLE-1S to go high (It remains high forever not responding to CS Pin).
Currently issue I am facing is that this pin remains high all the time, even on the development board (STEVAL-IDB007V1M) and on custom board.
(I believe and I did see in my experimentation 2 days back that if we toggle cs pin every 4-5 seconds the IRQ pin also toggles high low) Unfortunately, this is not happening.
I am stuck at the module firmware and feel I am very close but it isn't working.
Any pointers. Best would be if the SensorTile Board SPBTLE-1S Firware File is released by ST as on that board things are working fine.
2020-12-16 9:47 AM
Hey @gada , I was able to make it work with the DTM_full.bin firmware that I found here:
Check the tile.box code because the strict HCI trough SPI protocol described in some bluenrg-x related documentations does not work in this case.
hope it works for you too.
2020-12-16 5:50 PM
> On our custom board we flashed the controller STM32L4R9 Code and Since no hex for SPBTLE-1S is available I am trying to configure SPI pins DTM_SPI project from BlueNRG SDK V 3.2.1 But It doesnt work.
Please try to build from IDB007V1M folder: <DK 3.2.1>\Project\BLE_Examples\DTM\EWARM\STEVAL-IDB007V1M
which shall work with default settings. A prebuild firmware is also available.
> Currently issue I am facing is that this pin remains high all the time, even on the development board (STEVAL-IDB007V1M) and on custom board.
OK then. This shows that the issue is on main STM32L4R9's firmware.
The SPI IRQ is a signal that BlueNRG-1 (SPBTLE-1S) notifies STM32L4 to start a SPI transaction.
Normally, the IO interrupt service routine should be triggered, and STM32 (acts as the SPI master) should start to read the 5-byte SPI frame header, then it handles following reading accordingly.
After the data is properly read out, BlueNRG-2 will reset the SPI IRQ pin. (The SPI transactions are done) It waits until next event is coming.
> Best would be if the SensorTile Board SPBTLE-1S Firware File is released by ST as on that board things are working fine.
As explained, it looks that it's not an issue of SPBTLE-1S firmware.