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Hi everyone!I have a custom PCB with a STM32L4 connected via SPI to a SPBTLE-1S. As indicated in the datasheet the SPBTLE-1S is built around the BlueNRG-1 SoC. Until now I understood that I have to configure the SPBTLE-1S as a network co-processor in...
I'm using the SPBTLE-1S BlueNRG-1 module on a custom PCB with a STM32L4R9ZI MCU. The SPBTLE-1S module and the main MCU are connected trough SPI. The SPBTLE-1S module can be flashed with various firmwares provided by ST. Which one should i choose? I w...
Reading the SampleApp code when the client send data to the server it seems that an EVT_BLUE_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIED should be detected in the user_notify(...) function. But if I write on the characteristic from my tablet app nothing happens...In the...