2023-03-27 3:59 PM
From the structure of the result API, we can get distance, signal, and ambiguous signals.
But how can we get the raw histogram data?
Many thanks.
2023-03-29 12:58 AM
For the moment it is not possible to read out the VL53L5CX histogram data even at a slower frame rate.
ST is working on a product that would enable such a read out.
Stay tuned.
2023-04-07 4:13 PM
Hi Anne,
Many thanks for your reply.
I understand keeping the histogramming firmware confidential is reasonable because ST patented it. But I saw some papers published in academia that can access "unofficial" histogramming firmware.
So I am wondering how I could get access to it. Given I will use it for academic purposes, I can accept receiving a non-disclosure agreement.