2022-06-21 7:44 PM
I have read the tutorial and document about VL53L5CX. It says that the distance of targets and the range sigma are extracted from histogram by assuming a normal distribution (the distance and range sigma are the mean and standard variance of the distribution, respectively). However, i find the returned range sigma is always much lower than the actual ones. For example, the returned sigma rarely exceed 5 cm, but the actual sigma may be 2-5 times, which means that it is usually larger than 10 cm, and can even reach 20-30 cm.
I test this by seting up a device suit which align L5 and a high-resolution depth sensor (RealSense D435 which have a depth resolution of 640x480).
What is the reason behind this? Are there some post-processing algorithms, if yes, could you brifely describe how they work, so maybe i could recover the real standard variance which is important in my research.
Many thanks,
2022-06-27 7:51 AM
Your question has been addressed internally. We will come back to you as soon as possible.
2022-06-29 5:17 AM
Thank you :)
I have sent the collected data to John. Hope it helps.
2022-07-23 9:22 AM
Hi, is there anything else that I can do to help?