Imaging (sensors)

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Resolved! Limit field of view for a narrow level sensor

Hello,I am building an IoT level sensor for a vessel. The vessel is emptied at the bottom, and I would like to sense how much stuff is still in there from the top lid. The tank is approximately 40cm deep, and 10x10cm wide and it is dark inside.Consid...

Samot No by Associate II
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I want to implement LIDAR using multiple VL53L3CX.

I want to implement LIDAR using multiple VL53L3CX.I have two questions about VL53L3CX.first,In the previous case of VL53L1X, LIDAR was implemented by setting an ROI.As far as I know, VL53L3CX does not have the function to set ROI.Indeed, is there no ...

WShin.1 by Associate
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VL6180V(1NR/1) absolute maximum range

Hi,I have a project with VL6180X sensor. Moving from first prototype to second revision, I have realized that I have no use for AWS sensor. Therefore I can switch the sensor to the non-AWS having, also cheaper VL6180V. Datasheets of these sensors are...

Why vl53l0x returns 8191 all the time

vl53l0x interfacing STM32F7I used Pololu libraries and replaced read and write functions with HAL functions, at first it worked properly for several hours, but after that it stopped working and returned 8191 value, after two hours it started working ...

afra by Associate
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I can't use VL53L1x sensor from other micro controller.Because there is no related document(s).Please help me about its registers init sequence and reading sequence to measure distance. Regards.

I can use this senser only together ST micro controller.Also its freeware APIs not enough for this purpose.I think ST must provide neccessary support about this subject without need anycustomer feed back.( Because VL53L1X is belong you )Regards.

OOCAK.1 by Associate
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Why am I getting VL53L0X Error: -6?

I have a single 'known good' VL53L0X hooked up to an Arduino Mega 2560 through a bidirectional level shifter. When I attempt to initialize it I get the following output:Opening port Port open Arduino Hex VL53L0X Demo In Adafruit_VL53L0X::begin(29,1,...

FPayn.1 by Associate III
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