2020-07-13 2:48 AM
I made a PCB using Teseo-LIV3F as stand alone, tried to connect TX and RX of the module to Arduino TX and RX using I TinyGps++ library, but I couldn't get any response from the module. I tried to connect the module to software and hardware serial of the Arduino and couldn't also get any response. When I connect the module to USB to TTL I could get response. I am using an active antenna. I have attached the schematic which I am using. Hope to get some help to solve my problem.
Best regards
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-07-15 1:09 AM
> vcc Rf is 3.3v, is that normal?
Yes. It's normal... internally the VCC_RF is just a filtered VCC.... no more than that
Sorry for the dummy question but:
Is VBAT applyed?
2020-07-15 6:38 AM
No worries, yes VBAT is connected. I the RF vcc is connected to the input of tps22943 (load switch), and i can see the output of the load switch is 1.2v which is going to RF pin of GPS is that normal? And if i just connect VBACK to the GPS will the power from vcc RF will be off automatic, because of the load switch?
Thanks alot
2020-07-16 6:33 AM
Your schematic make sense
You are using tps22093 to provide power to the antenna... voltage comes from VCCRF (correct) and ANT_OFF to enable/disable the switch. This parts can not impact LIV working.... at least (in Over current) it could turnoff the antenna no more than that.
I don't understand where VCC power comes from. I see VIN is the same for LIV and TPS781... but who is providing VIN?
2020-07-20 2:08 AM
Thanks a lot for your help, it was very helpful