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Hi, I am trying to get GPS coordinate with my PCB, which has just TESEO LIV3F. I connect the RX and TX of the TESEO LIV3F to RX,TX of arduino uno. I can see the NMEA information in my serial port put i couldn't get any GPS coordinate. I have attached...
Hi, I bought TESEO-Liv3f  module from mouser. when i made the PCB i was not able to get NMEA information and not even GPS coordinate. I checked if there is connectivity in my board and found out there is connectivity between RX and GND. I tried anoth...
I made a PCB using Teseo-LIV3F as stand alone, tried to connect TX and RX of the module to Arduino TX and RX using I TinyGps++ library, but I couldn't get any response from the module. I tried to connect the module to software and hardware serial of ...
1- What is the deference between figure 10 and 11? And what is (S22943) in figure 11? is all I need to use active antenna inductor and capacitor? If it is yes what is the value?2- I have seen in the   in section 7 general schematic. Is it for passive...
Hi, Does TESEO-LIV3R require to connect EEPROM? If it's yes why do we need it? In my application i need to do hot start. Is it just enough to connect V_Back to external battery?Best regards Anas