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Replay button on every post is harmful

Chief II

Duplicating posts, uploading the same files multiple times, even replying to themselves - nothing will stop "alternatively gifted" users from abusing that button and creating a mess.


The whole idea of "in response to ..." is a leftover from the broken threaded mode design. The Reply button on every post, the "in response to ..." line and the whole threaded mode should be removed and instead a proper actually useful quoting should be implemented.

Community manager
Community manager

Hello @Piranha , 

Have you tried updating your Display settings from Threaded to Linnear? Everyone can choose their preferred display of the content.



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Community manager
Community manager

Regarding the duplication, please report those and we will take the further action. 

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Chief II

I am using the default linear format and the screenshot is taken using it. Again, have you read the title of this topic? I'm reporting a flawed design of the forum, not some issue with a single user, topic or post. Can you switch your mind away from that "single item thinking" and start looking at things in a more systematical and global way? To make this issue more clear for you, please explain why does a Reply button on every post exist. In other words - what does it do differently, compared to the normal yellow Reply button at the end of the topic?

Hi there, 

to answer your question: 
please explain why does a Reply button on every post exist. In other words - what does it do differently, compared to the normal yellow Reply button at the end of the topic?

The blue button is designed to reply that particular post in the thread, whereas the yellow one is targeting the whole thread. 

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions 🙂 

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Chief II

Seriously? You explained the abstract design intention, not what exactly it does differently. And do you actually believe that engineers are incapable of understanding such a trivial things, which you tried to "explain"?

This is just an empty "bla-bla-bla" like most of the clueless and corrupted politicians do... The "targeting" is not a specific term and doesn't answer the question, because it doesn't tell what exactly it does. I'm not asking this question because I wouldn't know the answer. I do know the difference and that is exactly why I explained that those buttons and related things should be removed. You are the one, who doesn't understand the difference and the consequences of those buttons. I'm asking this question in a hope that, by explaining it, you yourself will finally understand it!

The question is - what benefit does the blue button provide over the yellow button? Currently, all that does is opening a response form between posts (which isn't ideal), with a hint "Replying to Xyz". It doesn't actually insert a quote or do anything that a future reader of the thread would profit from, does it?