User Activity

As of version 1.12.0, HAL_RTC_Init uses a macro named __HAL_RTC_IS_CALENDAR_INITIALIZED. It is defined as follows:#define __HAL_RTC_IS_CALENDAR_INITIALIZED(__HANDLE__) ((((RTC->ISR) & (RTC_ISR_INITS)) == RTC_ISR_INITS) ? 1U : 0U)I suppose it should r...
I have three STM32WB55 applications:A) is a debugging application that's only ever flashed directly and standalone using the STM32CubeProgrammer CLI.B) is a bootloader with integrated FUOTA functionality.C) is my "actual" application. It can be compi...
Our STM32WB55 user application is currently in the HardFault_Handler. (Full disclosure: I am not an embedded developer at all, I have never debugged such a problem, so I'm not really knowing what I am doing. I need precise, detailed step-by-step inst...
I want to enable the RTOS Proxy in the debug launch configuration for my STM32CubeIDE project. However, in the "Driver settings" fieldset, I need to select a "Port" from a dropdown. The options in that dropdown confuse me. I have an STM32WB55, which ...
It's a shame the "ST BLE Toolbox" Android app source code is not public. I know the "ST BLE Sensor" Android app's source code is public.Does this code somewhere show how to do notification processing like the Toolbox's "Bandwidth" service profile?I h...