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Forced password reset

Associate III

Please forward vote against forced forum password resets due to expiration. It’s very old school security model.


FWIW, you can simply "change" it to the password you're already using. It doesn't check, thankfully.

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Senior III

Today I could not log in due to this forced unannounced password change. I had to change my password through reset password, but I did not receive any password reset emails (checked spam box). I tried several times and received no email. I tried contacting ST about my login problems, but their contact form requires you to log in... So I was stuck. I contacted one of their suppliers. I don't know if it helped, but after about 4 hours it suddenly worked.

It's not user friendly to lock access to someone's account. Especially unannounced. And certainly if it password reset fails. And it's a false sense of security if you can just use the same password twice.

Is there a way to enable a second factor as a backup?

Also since there is no way to change email it means you lose access forever if you lose access to your email. It happened to me before when I used a company email address.


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Well the email to reset worked the other week. Corporate email frequently has significant delivery delay or spam filtering. I've always used gmail addresses for accounts here.

Historically ST has been able to merge existing accounts, so you create a new one with a new/difference email, and get the content transferred.

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I use hotmail, not corporate email. ST emails always arrive on time and never landed in the spam folder. Today was not an email delay. The emails never arrived. After 4 hours I tried again and I instantly received a response.

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