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STWINBX1 datalogger - crashes when using device_config.json on SD card


Why does the datalogger crash when I put a device_config.json file on the SD card ?

I created the device_config.json file using the Python GUI tool, saved it to the computer and then copied it to the root folder of the SD card. 

The only changes I made was to the accelerometers where I changed the range to 4g (with the exception of IIS2ICLX which was left at 3g).

I put the SD card in the STWINBX1 and pressed the RESET button.

When I try to start the log (by pressing the USER button) the software seems to crash.

The green LED (LED_1) stays in the state when the USER button was pressed (i.e. permanently on or off).

The board has to be reset, but then the same happens again if I try to start a log.

When I try to access the log files on the SD card on the computer, I get an error saying the directory is corrupt, so this probably shows that the software is crashing...


I cannot delete the folders, so I have to reformat the SD card.

I have attached a copy of the device_config.json file (note I had to rename the extension to .txt in order to attach).


ST Employee

Hello @johngj 

I'll replicate your setup to find the issue. For sure, I'll integrate the bugfix in the upcoming FP-SNS-DATALOG2 v2.2.0.

In the meantime, which sd card are you using? FP-SNS-DATALOG2 User Manual includes a list of tested and suggested sd card part number and a troubleshooting paragraph.


Best regards


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The SD card is a 2GB Transcend card, part number TS2GUSD...