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STWINBX1 datalogger - chm help file empty ?


I am using the STEVAL-STWINBX1 development board and have downloaded the FP-SNS-DATALOG2

When I open the help file FP-SNS-DATALOG2_Package.chm (in STM32CubeFunctionPack_DATALOG2_V2.1.1\Documentation) it appears to be empty other than the index...


Why is the help file empty, how do I get it to work ?

ST Employee

Hello @johngj 

Is there some specific pages broken or is it not working properly at all?

In the meantime let me announce you that v2.2.0 will be announced in few weeks and available soon. For sure for v2.2.0 the chm will be checked and regenerated.


Best regards


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None of the help file is working.

The contents, index etc in the left hand pane works, but when I double click on any of the topics nothing appears in the right pane.

Hello @johngj 

Thanks for your feedback. We'll recompile the helper function for the v2.2.0 soon available.


Best regards


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