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sta339bw 12MHZ

Associate II
Posted on August 27, 2015 at 09:31

A amplifier system:ADC+STA339BW+MCU,MCU generate a 12MHz clock apply to ADC(connect to MCLK pin) and STA339BW(connect to XTI pin)。I don't know how many differences will be,will this effect THD+N,SNR? is there any document about this issue? 

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Associate II
Posted on August 27, 2015 at 10:29

Hi Karl ,

it should be OK , if the input audio source is only from ADC .

if the clock setting of ADC is 256FS , the sample frequence will be 46.875Khz , it will not lead any audio performance changing, if the clock output jitter is very low . and due to sample frequency is not normally 48Khz , the biquad filter setting frequency will be shifted a little bit.

and to avoid jitter issue , you'd better to use external active crystal to provide 12.288Mhz MCLK to ADC and STA339BW .

Thanks ,