Hello,How can I configure lwIP to send packets in LAN. Everything what I can it's to see my device on router. I tried to ping device, but always I have timeout and I tried to send packet to my PC, but I don't see it on wireshark.
Hello,How can I send data from touchGFX screen to main task? I have action on click button which calculate me data, but I'm not sure how can I send calculated data to my main program.
Hello,I can't debug and run in STM32CubeIDE any program on my discovery kit. I have errorNo source available for "_binary_______ExtMem_Boot_Binary_Bootloader_bin_start() at 0x8001ece"When I'm trying build auto project in touchGFX Designer everything ...
I'm using FREERTOS CMSISv2 (auto generated program in designer for my stm). I have task where I send data via queue to Model in touchgfx. I have data in model and on my screen, but I want send them back to main core of application. I'm not sure how t...
Maybe it will help others in the future. I fought with my teacher to fix that problem and still device is not available to debug, but now it works. All you have to do is:Create new Task in FREERTOSWrite program in your new task and work on real timeM...
Pretend in everything? I tried run it like it would be F746G-DISCO on several ways, this from video too, but in this case it not even run. It's trying to erase memory, but it can't so my program is not even on the device and I have errors connected w...