2020-07-09 2:31 AM
I have the following setup running:
Windows 10 (latest), STM32CubeIDE 1.3.1, local GDB Server and ST-LinkV2. Debugger settings are default. The project is CubeMX generated.
I did a search on the ST site as well as Google but didn't find anything. So I'm here...
I had in the past always the option 'Build (if required) before launching' checked. So when I work on a a project and (re)compile it until it is error and warning free, there is a valid ELF file existing. Each time, when I want to start the Debugger to download the ELF file and to debug, the build process is started again. Even there is nothing to do, it takes some additional time.
So I decided to uncheck the option 'Build (if required) before launching' in Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching -> general Options. Now the debugger is started immediately, exactly what I want.
BUT: When I close and restart CubeIDE, the debugger wont start anymore. Nothing happenes by pressing F5 or selecting Menu Run -> Debug. All Debug configurations are still available and correct. I have to check 'Build before launching' again, after that the debugger starts, of course with starting make before. After that I can uncheck 'Build before launching' again. The debugger will start immediately by pressing F5 - until next shut-down of CubeIDE.
Is this any known issue or even already fixed in the next version? Or can this be a configuration issue?
Thanks and have a nice day,
2020-08-06 12:45 AM
I just would like to bring up this issue again. Unfortunately, there seems to be no solution until now. I have checked the issue with the new 1.4.0 as well as 1.4.1. There is exactly the same behaviour.
By the way, is there a release note for 1.4.1 somewhere available? I think, it is not the optimal way to release a software version without a release note. How shoud one find out before installation/upgrading to a newer version if this may affect the existing installation? This happened at least when 1.4.0 came out and again with 1.4.1. The release notes for 1.4.0 are available in the mean time.
Thanks a lot!