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Is it possible to connect 2 or more STM32F MCUs and to read their unique IDs together??

Associate II

I Need to collect the unique IDs of STM32F4 microcontrollers in a single script. so is it possible to connect 2 or more MCUs together and read their unique IDs together?

Is it also possible to connect any external Hardware(like Bluetooth...) to STM32F MCU and read both STM MCU unique ID and Bluetooth mac adress together in a single script ?? Please suggest me a way to do it

Principal III

What is a script in your context? What a connection?

script I meant coding. basiclly i Need to read the unique IDs of the 2 or more MCUs together. Connection I meant connecting 2 MCUs.

So basically, I am using STM32cube IDE so i interconnect 2 MCUs and need to read the unique IDs of both the MCUs.

You can presumably load code on them to do whatever you want. The Unique ID is just a handful of 32-bit words in the memory space of the MCU

You could connect to the ROM based System Loader via USART, CAN, etc and probe memory, and run arbitrary code.

You could presumably daisy chain UARTs and have each output and forward the Unique ID using code you put on the devices.

You could daisy chain JTAG connectivity over multiple chips, talk to each individually, and read the Unique ID from the memory space.

You're likely going to have to find resources, and write code to support your own specific needs.

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