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BOOT MODE Serial NAND Flash on QUADSPI: MPU or MCU starts execution of code

or. special layout of image required?


Hardware is varied, you'd need to code a minimal loader to bring up external interfaces and configure QSPI device(s) and memory mapping commands. Ditto SDRAM, etc.​

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The system ROM bootloader as minimum should load some parts of code or configure QSPI as memory-mapped devoce, What means "Table 2. Boot modes" in DS12504 Rev 2? Then boot pins are tied to "1", ROM bootloader targeted to QSPI. And then? A7 or M4 should execute code at 0x70000000 ?

Sorry crap from MPU getting in my feed​

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ST Employee

Hello, those wiki pages could help you to understand how boot sequence is managed.

STM32MP15 ROM code overview

Boot chains overview

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On these pages I found layout, but not see about A7 or M4 runs to loaded image. Looks like A7...

On this link I store test image for QSPI or SDCARD. Test should blink LED on PA14 (green light on DK1/DK2) near ten times per secound.

Can anybody done this test?