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STM32H753 Revision V Migration

Yan Rosh
Associate II


We currently have a board with the STM32H753XI Rev.Y MCU.

We're building a new revision of the board, and saw that there is a new STM32H753 revision (Rev.V). This revision has significant changes.

There is no new part number for the Rev.V devices, how can we know which device will arrive after we order it from a distributor like Digikey or Arrow?

We would like to work on the software changes, if required, before the board is assembled.

Are the changes reflected in the HAL for the H7 family?

If so, which revision of the HAL has these changes?

Does CubeMX distinguish between the two revisions?

Can we update our current project to reflect the new revision?

Thank you,



I suppose you'd need to talk to your supplier and make sure they pull ​recent production dates.

Talk to your local sales reps.​

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Asking the sales rep hasn't worked so well in the past, especially when purchasing small quantities for initial builds...

Do you have any info on whether HAL supports the changes in Rev.V?