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Why does STM32CubeF0 Firmware Package V1.9.0 not support Atollic TrueStudio STM32 (TureStudio) toolchain? STM just bought Atollic

Associate II

This is long​ before they negotiated the purchase

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I've recently put an F0 product using FW package V1.9.0 under Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 V9.2.0. Whatever was removed can't be important.



Associate II

Just attended a workshop on new STM32G0 series MCU. There was no mention of TrueStudio, and zero support in the example files (see image). This is surely well after the Atollic purchase @Community member​ and introduction of the STM32G0. I would really like to hear officially from STM staff on the plan for TrueStudio. My suspicion is that after one year ST has decided they are not in the IDE business and don't plan on supporting a free GCC toolchain.


I've used STM32F0 FW V1.90 in my first TrueSTUDIO foray a few months back and found no unusual problems, though I'd used Eclipse before.

Atollic announced last Friday (1) release of TS for STM32 V9.3.0 and (2) they'll be at Embedded World in Nuremberg 26-28 Feb.

I'd noticed too no TrueSTUDIO support in the X-CUBE-SBSFU expansion package recently and put it down to each toolchain takes effort (and H7 is already late), supporting a toolchain well takes mastery (better no support than bad support) and mastering a toolchain takes time.

So at the workshop did you actually ask the staff what the deal was? I'm always the guy in the front of the room asking awkward questions... ST frequently omits things they don't want to talk about, last year you'd think they didn't have an H7 part.

If you were sufficiently interested you could probably track down staff, and former staff, and get the specifics. My guess is they are working on some multi-core support, and integrating various middleware.

Can't Atollic import projects? It's just GNU/GCC under the hood so doesn't SW4STM32 provide a short step to whatever other GNU platform you need?

I think Keil, IAR, Rowley and GHS have more mindshare among the key clients ST is focused on.

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