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STM32CubeMX for STM32: Is it possible to use/set a Prefix or namespace for all functions/global variables generated by STMCubeMX C-Code Generator?


Reason for the question:

We want to generate two different hardware settings (CubeMX projects) into one software program running on a STM32 controller. Then at startup, the controller finds out, which HW configuration it has to use and uses just one of the two available ones to startup/init the system peripherals/hardware.

Thanks for any help.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Make two separate projects, burn them into separate flash areas + small bootloader which will probe hardware and select one variant ?


Sounds like a rats nest of a problem better solved by some careful merging.

I'd rather the engineers focus on generating solid test coded.

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Hi Pawel

thanks for the idea. We will look into this in more detail.

We thought there might be a solution using the templates in STM32CubeMX, but it seems that there is no clean solution from the tool itself.

Thanks again.


It's surprising that this is not possible. I have a similar case...a library with a default CubeMX configuration built-in, with the desire to be able to override this by adding a CubeMX project in the application directory.