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`RAM' overflowed by 2544 bytes

mikkel nielsen
Associate II


i have got a problem, i never have seen before, the errors is showed on image

hope some have an idea have to solve this problem.

i use atollic truestudio


Use less RAM?

Avoid huge static allocation or global variables.

Tables that never change? Keep in flash and use "static const" prefix

Check your .MAP file to find biggest offenders.

Check your linker script adequately describes the part you're actually using.

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@Community member​ note that the static keyword does not define how const something is. Static applies to the scope or lifetime of an object.

Believe me, it is a very effective method across many toolchains/platforms to ensure, for example, a table in a function isn't copied to RAM, and at a linker level it prevents the symbol from being overloaded/overridden. So at worst the use of "static const" is harmless, and in the usual cases it ensures desired behaviour.

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mikkel nielsen
Associate II

i have check my .MAP but i did not find anything that was so big, so do you have another idea, but thanks